Delivering healthier lives through innovation in gut health, microbiology and food
Read more about the Quadram InstituteScienceHealthFoodInnovation
Fundamental and applied scientists under one roof along with Europe’s largest endoscopy unit
Read more about the Quadram InstituteScienceHealthFoodInnovation
Study investigating the use of hydroponically-grown, biofortified salad greens, and use of a dietary app, on iron and vitamin B12 status
Could you take part in the HARVEST study?ScienceHealthFoodInnovation

Our Science
At the Quadram Institute we research how food and microbes interact, to promote health...
The Quadram Institute brings together researchers, academics and NHS clinicians to address global challenges...
Our Targets
Our research targets some of the major challenges that face society, where our bioscience...
What is the Quadram Institute?

Innovation in gut health, microbiology and food.

Our recognised experts who manage interdisciplinary research groups