Quadram Institute Bioscience (QIB) has a responsibility to ensure that the funds it disperses are properly spent, in accordance with the law, funder requirements and in the public interest. Researchers have a duty to their profession, to QIB and to research funders, to conduct their research to the highest professional standards.

QIB researchers must adhere to the following standards of professional conduct:

  1. Honesty and fairness: QIB scientists should be honest when reporting on their research, particularly concerning how it is conducted, interpreted and reported, its potential implications, and in acknowledging the work of others.
  2. Accuracy and rigour: in conducting, reporting and publishing research, clarifying what the data and conclusions are based on, where they were derived from, and how they can be verified. Proper record keeping of the primary data is essential, as is the fair representation of individual contributions.
  3. Accountability to funders and the public
  4. Openness and transparency: Researchers should have no other interest beyond their own scientific integrity and should always be willing and able to account for their actions. Researchers should always be prepared to communicate, analyse, report and question the outcome of their research and to disclose any conflicts of interest
  5. Independence: Researchers are expected to conduct their research with independence and impartiality, in keeping with the environment of academic freedom they work in and regardless of the funder of the research. Researchers should not interfere with the independence of their colleagues or team members.
  6. Respect for colleagues and for experimental organisms and subjects, including compliance with relevant research ethics policies and requirements.
  7. Co-operation and collegiality in scientific interactions and communications, and in the sharing of resources.

Read our full Scientific Integrity Statement (PDF)