29th July 2011
IFR research featured in ‘The Big Picture’
The latest issue of ‘Big Picture’, the Wellcome Trust’s free educational resource for teachers and learners, is all about the biological, social and psychological aspects of what we eat. Included in the package is a short film ‘Modelling the Stomach’ that descibes research undertaken...
View29th July 2011
Ask A Food Scientist at LunchBox at the Forum
Is there anything you’ve ever wanted to ask a food scientist? During August the Institute of Food Research installed some of its food scientists into The Forum in Norwich as part of Lunchbox, the two week festival of street theatre that’s perfect to enjoy...
View18th July 2011
Minister opens World Class Innovation Centre and hears about world-leading science
The NRP Innovation Centre at the Norwich Research Park (NRP) provides offices and laboratory facilities for science and technology businesses at the heart of a major science cluster. Today (18th July 2011) the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Dr Vince Cable,...
View11th July 2011
Research opportunity pays dividends for Canadian graduate student
Justin McCarville, a master’s degree student in Applied Bioscience at the University Of Ontario Institute Of Technology has recently taken part in a three-month international internship at IFR, studying the immune response of the cells that line the gastrointestinal tract. “When a...
View30th June 2011
Genome analysis will reveal how bacteria in our guts make themselves at home
Researchers from the Institute of Food Research, led by Dr Nathalie Juge, and The Genome Analysis Centre have published the genome sequence of a gut bacterium, to help understand how these organisms evolved their symbiotic relationships with their hosts. The relationship between gut bacteria...
View22nd June 2011
Cereal entrepreneur to get a taste of food research
Bill Jordan, founder of Jordan’s Cereals, visited the Institute of Food Research, on the Norwich Research Park, on the 23rd June to learn about the work of the institute and the Food and Health Network. The Food and Health Network is a forum for...
View10th June 2011
Natural Food Biopolymers Meeting
IFR recently hosted a conference on food biopolymers, which helped to celebrate the lifetime contribution made to this field by Professor Vic Morris, who has recently retired. ‘Natural Food Biopolymers: Structure and Bioavailability’ brought together researchers who have worked or collaborated with Prof. Morris...
View20th May 2011
Mathematics points to new law in biology
A paper by a theoretical biologist at the Institute of Food Research has become the most viewed of all time on the journal Biomed Central Systems Biology. Dr Thomas Wilhelm described the necessary conditions for a fundamental phenomenon in nature, called bistability, that underlies...
View11th May 2011
Developing innovative processes to ensure fresh food is safe
IFR researchers have recently reviewed the use of cold atmospheric plasmas to inactivate Salmonella to assess their use by fresh or minimally-processed food producers. A growing demand for fresh produce is presenting a challenge to the food industry to supply safe food with minimal...
View5th May 2011
Not only living longer, but living healthier
IFR is a partner in a new EU-funded research project that is investigating how diet can help ensure that we remain healthy during old age. Immunological studies will feed into a study of how diet can affect a number...