
6th September 2024
Quadram scientists inform new UK Innovate report on bacteriophages
Dr Evelien Adriaenssens, bacteriophage research group leader at the Quadram Institute, has helped inform a new UKRI Innovate UK report setting out how the UK could make much better use of bacteriophages or phage-based technologies to help tackle antimicrobial resistance and difficult to treat...
3rd September 2024
Quadram Institute’s Heritage Open Day will uncover hidden worlds of health, food and microbes
From 10am to 3pm, the free event will let you discover the hidden worlds of health, food and microbes. The event is part of the nationwide Heritage Open Days, and this year marks the sixtieth anniversary of food research in Norwich. It is also...
23rd August 2024
BBSRC Discovery fellowship for Lizbeth Sayavedra
Dr Sayavedra is one of 15 promising researchers around the UK to be awarded BBSRC fellowships and she will be researching nitrogen fixation in the human gut by sulphate-reducing bacteria. “It’s a real honour to be awarded this BBSRC Discovery Fellowship and I’m looking...
13th August 2024
Study in Norwich recruiting volunteers to test health benefits of a pomegranate extract
The TESSA study aims to understand how a pomegranate extract can change the production of compounds associated with increased heart disease risk. The TESSA study team is looking for 40 people whose diets include meat to take part in the research study. The compound...
23rd July 2024
AMAST Network launches to battle AMR in the agrifood system
AMAST – the AMR in Agrifood Systems Transdisciplinary Network is to understand and tackle how antimicrobial resistance impacts UK food production from farm to fork.
13th June 2024
SKAN Research Trust and Quadram to Develop Novel Microbial Therapies
SKAN Research Trust, promoted by Indian entrepreneur Mr. Ashok Soota, and UK-based Quadram Institute Bioscience today announced that they will apply the cutting-edge TraDIS-Xpress platform to study the action of traditional medical compounds on bacteria, thereby aiding in the reformulation and development of novel...
4th June 2024
Why we need a 21st Century approach to ensuring food safety
Foodborne illness affected 1 in 10 people globally in 2010, causing over 400,000 deaths. Bacteria have a substantial contribution to this burden. We’ve known for decades what some of the most dangerous bacterial species are and the potentially devastating effects they can have on...
30th May 2024
The House of Lords select committee issued a call for evidence on food diet and obesity earlier this year. The committee is considering the role of foods, such as ‘ultra-processed foods’ (UPFs) and foods high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) in a healthy...
29th May 2024
New research to investigate role of gut bacteria in breast cancer
Dr Stephen Robinson and his team will investigate the function of gut bacteria in breast cancer, and how we could use it to fight against the disease, thanks to new funding from Breast Cancer Now. Bacteria living in our gut can affect our immune...
14th May 2024
Nutritional quality of plant-based products surveyed
Researchers from the Quadram Institute have carried out a comprehensive survey of the nutritional quality of plant-based products on sale in the UK. Dr Maria Traka and her team in the Food & Nutrition National Bioscience Research Infrastructure (NBRI) looked at over 2,500 plant-based...