7th June 2022
Quadram Institute hosts new Food Safety Network tackling £9 billion food safety challenge
The Food Standards Agency and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) have invested £1.6m into a new Food Safety Research Network, hosted by the Quadram Institute,l to tackle food poisoning
View2nd June 2022
Genomic surveillance spotlights Salmonella in Brazilian poultry
Researchers have used genome surveillance for Salmonella on Brazilian chicken to better understand the impact on global public health of intensive poultry farming.
View25th May 2022
Gene editing for more nutritious crops
Researchers from the Quadram Institute have today welcomed the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill announced by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
View24th May 2022
How do microbes living in our gut modulate brain and behaviour?
Researchers from the Quadram Institute working with colleagues from the University of East Anglia have uncovered from studies in mice the role of a key member of the gut microbiota influences communication between the gut and the brain. The study provides evidence of how...
View19th May 2022
How cranberries could improve memory and ward off dementia
A new study highlights the neuroprotective potential of cranberries for health. The research team from the University of East Anglia, working with scientists at the Quadram Institute, studied the benefits of consuming the equivalent of a cup of cranberries a day among 50 to...
View11th May 2022
Quadram scientists win policy impact award for global work on pandemic
Work led by Professor Rob Kingsley at the Quadram Institute to help countries in the developing world to track and hunt new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has won the UEA innovation and impact award for outstanding impact in policy and practice. Scientists at...
View4th May 2022
Faecal transplants reverse hallmarks of ageing
In the search for eternal youth, poo transplants may seem like an unlikely way to reverse the ageing process. However, scientists at the Quadram Institute and University of East Anglia have provided evidence, from research in mice, that transplanting faecal microbiota from young into...
View2nd May 2022
Coronavirus jams communication signals to immune cells in the gut
A computer model could help to reveal how some infectious diseases – including COVID-19 – trigger an overactive immune response in certain patients, which can drive inflammation and lead to serious complications or even death. The work, published in Nature Partner Journal Systems Biology...
View28th April 2022
Uncovering hidden genetic connections for personalised medicine
A new precision medicine tool discovers hidden genetic connections that could improve personalised medicine for IBD, and other complex conditions All humans carry genetic variations in their DNA, called Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) that can underlie susceptibility to diseases such as diabetes and cancer....
View22nd April 2022
Quadram scientist’s global work on hunting COVID variants shortlisted for impact award
Work led by Professor Rob Kingsley at the Quadram Institute to help countries in the developing world to track and hunt new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been shortlisted for a UEA innovation and impact award. Scientists at the Quadram started sequencing the...