Showing 10 of 51 news

1st May 2014

Vital role for farming in battling obesity

At the recent Nuffield Farming Arden Conference, Professor Tim Brocklehurst joined calls highlighting the roles that farmers can play in battling the obesity epidemic. Obesity related illness costs the NHS almost £20billion each year, and that figure is rising. Healthier diets could significantly reduce...


25th April 2014

New Biorefinery textbook published

A newly-published textbook, edited by Keith Waldron and involving over sixty respected international experts, provides a wide ranging and systematic look at the latest developments in biorefining, and how they are helping to produce more sustainable fuels and chemicals. Published by Woodhead Publishing, Advances...


2nd April 2014

Total Food 2014

The Institute of Food Research, on the Norwich Research Park, is hosting an international conference exploring the latest breakthroughs in research into better ways of exploiting waste and co-products from agriculture and food production. Total Food 2014, 11th-13th November, is the fourth in a...


1st April 2014

New yeast species travelled the globe with a little help from the beetles

Researchers from the National Collection of Yeast Cultures (NCYC) at the Institute of Food Research (IFR) have identified a new globe-trotting yeast species that lives on tree-associated beetles. This new species demonstrates the importance of preserving biodiversity, as yeasts like this may help efforts...


31st March 2014

Crowdsourcing raises vital funds for ME research

Patients living with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) have raised £100,000 to allow new research into the misunderstood condition to take place at the Institute of Food Research and the University of East Anglia. Under the guidance of Invest in ME, a national charity pushing for better...


28th March 2014

Strictly yeast

We all know yeasts make beer and bread but their huge contribution to science, including helping us understand the nuts and bolts of life itself, tends to stay out of the spotlight. Over the past few years, through studies carried out on yeast DNA,...


27th March 2014

Mysteries of the Yeast

Researchers have turned a decades old problem in genome sequence analysis on its head to uncover hidden information on how yeasts evolved, giving insights into evolutionary processes common to all of life. The National Collection of Yeast Cultures (NCYC) at the Institute of Food...


25th March 2014

New resources deliver insights into Salmonella’s virulence

Dr Arthur Thompson and his team at the IFR have uncovered new insights into how Salmonella is so well equipped to survive against our bodies’ defences. Building on a comprehensive survey of which genes are turned on in Salmonella, they have now extended the...


24th March 2014

International recognition for IFR scientist

Professor József Baranyi of the Institute of Food Research has been elected as a Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST). His election to this distinguished body is in recognition of his outstanding contributions to food science and technology. The...


17th March 2014

Computational Biologist joins to better understand gut diseases.

Tamás Korcsmáros has been appointed as a Computational Biology Fellow at The Genome Analysis Centre and in the Institute of Food Research (IFR), from 17 March 2014. Tamás’ joint appointment builds on TGAC’s computational biology strengths and the IFR’s expertise in gut bacteria research...


Showing 10 of 51 news