Showing 10 of 58 news

23rd May 2019

Art and science uncover ME

The hidden devastating impact of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is the subject of a new collaboration between an artist and scientists studying this debilitating condition. Artist Yasmin Crawford has been working with researchers in the Quadram Institute as part of her project that’s bringing across...


21st May 2019

Top Project Award for Quadram Institute student

Gemma Beasy has recently received the Top Project Award from the Royal Society of Biology. The award recognises the work she carried out for her undergraduate research project conducted at the Quadram Institute with Dr Maria Traka. The project focused on understanding how dietary...


15th May 2019

International Clinical Trials Day celebrated at the Quadram Institute

Monday 20th May is International Clinical Trials Day and to celebrate the Quadram Institute is showcasing its current clinical research projects and giving a preview of others in the pipeline. International Clinical Trials Day ( is an annual celebration of the people and organisations...


10th May 2019

Quadram Institute welcomes Big C for campaign launch

Big C, Norfolk’s cancer charity, last night, at the Quadram Institute, launched its new Corporate Partnership campaign ‘In Good Company’. Big C is a local charity that supports people across Norfolk and Waveney affected by cancer. It funds world-class local research into cancer, provides...


8th May 2019

Review explores a very special sugar molecule

PhD student Andrew Bell and his supervisor Professor Nathalie Juge have co-authored a review article in Microbiology Today on sialic acids. Microbiology Today, the quarterly magazine of the Microbiology Society, is an important route of dissemination reaching a wide audience including parliamentarians and policy-makers....


6th May 2019

Taming the virosphere

Dr Evelien Adriaenssens from the Quadram Institute has contributed her expertise in virus classification to a study describing a new system to classify automatically thousands of new viruses being discovered by modern genomics. Bacteriophages, or phages, are viruses that infect bacteria. They can have...


5th May 2019

Quadram Institute welcomes UKRI Chief Finance Officer

The Quadram Institute was delighted to welcome Ian Kenyon, Chief Finance Officer for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to tour its new facility on Norwich Research Park. Quadram Institute Director Professor Ian Charles welcomed Mr Kenyon, who was joined by Dr Jackie Hinton, UKRI...


1st May 2019

Open source innovation from the Norwich Research Park up for early-career award

A young team of innovators based on the Norwich Research Park have made the final of the BBSRC Innovator of the Year 2019 Awards. Their open source project has made a technique called speed breeding more accessible to the research community. This OpenPlant-funded venture...


17th April 2019

Quadram Institute Artist in Residence will bring together the worlds of art and science

The first Artist in Residence has joined the Quadram Institute on a mission to enable scientists and the public to explore microbial science by making art. Artist Jennie Pedley will be hosting workshops for scientists at the new institute on the Norwich Research Park....


16th April 2019

Can you help in a new study into pregnancy and early life?

Researchers at Quadram Institute Bioscience are looking to enrol pregnant mothers who are less than 22 weeks pregnant to take part in The PEARL Study (Pregnancy & Early Life) to understand how the transmission of beneficial microbes from mother to baby affects health. We...


Showing 10 of 58 news