Dr Cailean Carter

Research Scientist

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Epidemiology, genomics and antimicrobial resistance of bacteria

My research combines bioinformatics and experimental microbiology to address the challenge of antimicrobial resistance.

In 2020, I started a PhD in Dr Gemma Langridge’s group at Quadram investigating how E. coli responds to trimethoprim challenge to inform rapid point-of-care susceptibility testing for urinary tract infections. This work combined genome-scale metabolic modelling, high-throughput time-course viability assays, and microbial genomics to generate mathematical models of trimethoprim’s mode of action.

In 2024, I joined Prof Alison Mather’s group as a postdoctoral researcher investigating if and how soil microbial ecosystems recover from pro-longed exposure to antibiotics. Here, I am using metagenomics to build mathematical models of microbial ecosystems changing over time and predict future outcomes.

Key publications

Cailean Carter, Alexandra Hutchison, Steven Rudder, Elizabeth Trotter, Emma V Waters, Ngozi Elumogo, Gemma C Langridge. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli population structure and antimicrobial susceptibility in Norfolk, UK,  Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, dkad201, DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkad201

Carter C, Hutchison A, Rudder S, Trotter E, Waters EV, Elumogo N, Langridge G. (2023)

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli population structure and antimicrobial susceptibility in Norfolk, UK.

The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy

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