Dr Ezgi Özkurt


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I am currently working as a Research Scientist where I am involved in various studies focused on the human gut microbiome

I was born in Istanbul, Turkey, and studied Molecular Biology and Genetics at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. I earned my BSc degree in 2014 and continued my studies at the same university’s Faculty of Biology, receiving my MSc degree in 2015. My MSc thesis focused on the evolutionary relationships of multifocal bladder tumors.

Driven by my interest in evolutionary biology, I pursued a PhD in the Environmental Genomics group at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany. My thesis explored domestication-based metaorganism evolution in wheat, and I received my PhD degree in 2020.

I am currently a Research Scientist where I served as the Principal Investigator of the PEARL-AGE cohort study. My research is centered on the vertical transmission of microbiomes and the mechanisms of microbiome assembly. I have developed wet lab methods to enrich the rare microbial biosphere in gut samples and am also performing computational analyses of publicly available human gut metagenomes to identify age-related bacterial guilds.

Education and Training

  • Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology & Genetics – Middle East Technical University
    Master of Science in Biology – Middle East Technical University
  • Doctorate in Evolutionary Biology – Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
  • Postdoctoral Fellow – Quadram Institute Bioscience


  • Develop pipelines for microbiome data analysis
  • Meta-analysis of publicly available metagenomes
  • Design, develop, and apply wetlab protocols for microbiome samples
  • Former Principal Investigator of the PEARL-AGE study cohort
  • Design, develop, and write protocols for human studies


Hakimzadeh A, Abdala Asbun, Albanese D, Bernard M, Buchner D, Callahan B, Caporaso JG, Curd E, Djemiel C, Brandström Durling, Elbrecht V, Gold Z, Gweon HS, Hajibabaei M, Hildebrand F, Mikryukov V, Normandeau E, Özkurt E, M Palmer, Pascal G, Porter TM, Straub D, Vasar M, Vetrovský T, Zafeiropoulos H, Anslan . (2024)

A pile of pipelines: An overview of the bioinformatics software for metabarcoding data analyses.

Molecular ecology resources

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Frioux C, Ansorge R, Özkurt E, Ghassemi Nedjad, Fritscher J, Quince C, Waszak SM, Hildebrand . (2023)

Enterosignatures define common bacterial guilds in the human gut microbiome.

Cell host & microbe

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Ozkurt E, Fritscher J, Soranzo N, Ng D, Davey R, Bahram M, Hildebrand . (2022)

LotuS2: an ultrafast and highly accurate tool for amplicon sequencing analysis


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Hildebrand F, Gossmann TI, Frioux C, Ozkurt E, Myers PN, Ferretti P, Kuhn M, Bahram M, Nielsen HB, Bork . (2021)

Dispersal strategies shape persistence and evolution of human gut bacteria

Cell Host & Microbes

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