Dr Laura Bardon


Research Scientist (Food policy)

Contact via email

Food and Nutrition National Bioscience Research Infrastucture

I am a research scientist working in food policy in Maria Traka’s group.

I joined the food and nutrition National Bioscience Research Infrastructure (F&N-NBRI) in April 2023. Within this role I aim to influence the development of policies which promote more sustainable diets in the UK whilst ensuring the nutritional status of the population is maintained and even improved, particularly amongst the most vulnerable groups in our society. I am passionate about conducting impactful research and communicating my research findings to the wider scientific community and the public.

My background is in Human Nutrition. I completed my undergraduate degree and PhD at University College Dublin (UCD) in Ireland. My PhD focused on protein energy malnutrition in older community dwelling adults where I examined the sociodemographic and biochemical determinants of the condition. This work involved a combination of quantitative and qualitative research.

I then held a postdoctoral position for 3 years at UCD on the EU Horizon 2020 funded project Food Nutrition Security Cloud (FNS-Cloud). This post focused on improving the reuse of existing dietary intake data through the development of a quality assessment framework, a mapping strategy for harmonising existing food frequency questionnaire data and coordinating the redevelopment of an online 24-hour dietary recall tool (Foodbook24) for use within diverse populations.

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