Prof. Mark Webber

Group Leader

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Investigating the evolution of antimicrobial resistance

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My research group studies how bacteria adapt to stress with the aim of understanding the molecular mechanisms behind this. We are particularly interested in antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation.

We have developed mixed community biofilm adaptation models and large-scale transposon mutagenesis to study how bacteria evolve when stressed. We also use a variety of contemporary molecular microbiology and functional genomic approaches to study bacterial survival and antimicrobial resistance mechanisms.

Active collaborations are underway with partners in different parts of the NHS, industry and academics around the world.

Before joining the Quadram Institute I led a research group at the University of Birmingham, which I established during a BBSRC David Phillips fellowship studying the evolution of biocide-antibiotic cross resistance.

I have published over 150 articles relating to antimicrobials and have acted as an editor for various journals as well as sitting on funding bodies for numerous global research agencies.

Key Publications

Felgate H, Sethi D, Faust K, Kiy C, Härtel C, Rupp J, Clifford R, Dean R, Tremlett C, Wain J, Langridge G, Clarke P, Page AJ, Webber MA. Characterisation of neonatal Staphylococcus capitis NRCS-A isolates compared with non NRCS-A Staphylococcus capitis from neonates and adults. Microb Genom. 2023 Oct;9(10):001106. doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.001106. PMID: 37791541

Trampari E, Prischi F, Vargiu AV, Abi-Assaf J, Bavro VN, Webber MA. Functionally distinct mutations within AcrB underpin antibiotic resistance in different lifestyles. NPJ Antimicrob Resist. 2023;1(1):2. doi:10.1038/s44259-023-00001-8. PMID:38686215

Holden ER, Yasir M, Turner AK, Charles IG, Webber MA. Comparison of the genetic basis of biofilm formation between Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli. Microb Genom. 2022 Nov;8(11): mgen000885. doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000885. PMID: 36326671

Trampari E, Holden ER, Wickham GJ, Ravi A, Martins LO, Savva GM, Webber MA. Exposure of Salmonella biofilms to antibiotic concentrations rapidly selects resistance with collateral tradeoffs. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 2021 Jan 11;7(1):3. doi: 10.1038/s41522-020-00178-0. PMID: 33431848.

Yasir M, Turner AK, Bastkowski S, Baker D, Page AJ, Telatin A, Phan MD, Monahan L, Savva GM, Darling A, Webber MA, Charles IG. TraDIS-Xpress: a high-resolution whole-genome assay identifies novel mechanisms of triclosan action and resistance. Genome Res. 2020 Feb;30(2):239-249. doi: 10.1101/gr.254391.119. PMID: 32051187

Liu HY, Prentice E, Webber MA. (2024)

Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in biofilms

npj - Antimicrobials and Resistance

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Yasir M, Thomson N, Turner K, Webber M, Charles . (2024)

Overflow metabolism provides a selective advantage to Escherichia coli in mixed cultures

Annals of Microbiology, 74, 15

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Acton L, Pye HV, Thilliez G, Kolenda R, Matthews M, Turner AK, Yasir M, Holden E, Al-Khanaq H, Webber M, Adriaenssens EM, Kingsley . (2024)

Collateral sensitivity increases the efficacy of a rationally designed bacteriophage combination to control Salmonella enterica

Journal of Virology

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Yuan JM, Nugent C, Wilson A, Alexander E, Felmming P, Modi N, Oughham K, Ratnaraja N, Wan Y, Thorn L, Felgate H, Webber M, Ogundipe E, Brown C, Paranthaman K, Demirjian . (2023)

Clinical outcomes of Staphylococcus capitis isolation from neonates, England, 20152021: a retrospective case-control study

Archives of Disease in Childhood

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Felgate H, Sethi D, Fuast K, Kiy C, Hartel C, Rupp J, Dean R, Tremlett C, Wain J, Langridge G, Clarke P, Page A, Webber . (2023)

Characterisation of neonatal Staphylococcus capitis NRCS-A isolates compared with non NRCS-A Staphylococcus capitis from neonates and adults.

Microbial Genomics, 9

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