Food & Nutrition National Bioscience Research Infrastructure
I am an Emeritus Fellow of the Quadram Institute and I was previously Head of the Food Databanks National Capability at the Quadram Institute (Norwich, UK). My background is food and nutritional sciences and I have published over 250 publications (h-index = 41) on a wide range of topics in food sciences and nutrition. I lead the team that produced the McCance & Widdowson’s ‘The Composition of Foods’ (7th Summary Edn; 2015) and an online tool for the UK’s CoFIDs with Public Health England (2019). For most of my science career, I have been involved in a wide range of research in food, nutrition and health and explored ways to integrate food and consumer behaviour data into personalised nutrition dietary advices.
I have a broad range of experience in both national and European research projects, and I am currently the Scientific Coordinator for the EU Food Nutrition Security (FNS) Cloud project (Horizon 2020), as well as Co-lead of the Food, Nutrition and Health Research Infrastructure (FNHRI) UK Node. I am Editor-In-Chief for Food Chemistry/Food ChemistryX, and a Senior Editor for Trends in Food Science and Technology. I have provided expert advice over the years to several bodies including the Food Standards Agency, British Council, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (IE), FAO, EU and industry.
Member of Scientific Advisory Boards & Committees:
- PhenolAcTwin Advisory Board Member (2020-2023)
- EUFIC governance Board of Directors representative (2021-2024)
- WHO EMRO Expert in food composition, intake, labelling and nutrition claims (2016 – 19)
- FOODforce, representative for IFR/QIB (2015 – )
Professional Activities and Societies Membership:
- Editor/Editor-in-Chief, Food Chemistry (1995 – ) and Trends in Food Science & Technology (1999 -), Elsevier Science Publishers, Oxford, UK
- Member Institute of Food Technologists (1997 -) and Member Nutrition Society, UK (1993 – )
- Board Member, EuroFIR AISBL, Brussels, Belgium (2009 – ; President, 2014-20)
- Board Member, FNH-RI Foundation, NL (European Research Infrastructure for Healthy and Sustainable Diets; 2018 – Present)
- Board member, The Smarter Food Company, UK (2019- Present)
Key Publications
Timotijevic. L, Astley.S, Bogaardt.M.J, Bucher.T, Carr. I, Copani.G,Cueva de la. J, Eftimov.T, Finglas.P, Hieke.S, Hodgkins. C.E, Korousick Seljak.B, Klepcaz.N, Pasch.K, Maringer.M, Mikkelsen.B.E, Normann.A, Ofei.K.T, Poppe.K, Pourabdollahian.G, Raats.M.M, Roe.M, Sadler.C, Selnes.T, Van Der Veen.H, van’t Veer.P, Zimmermann.K. (2021) Designing a research infrastructure (RI) on food behaviour and health: Balancing user needs, business model, governance mechanisms and technology. Trends in Food Science & Technology. Volume 116, Pages 405-414.
Julia Blaurock *, Birgit Kaiser, Tamara Stelzl, Michelle Weech, Rosalind Fallaize, Rodrigo Zenun Franco, Faustina Hwang, Julie Lovegrove, Paul M Finglas, Kurt Gedrich. (2021) Eating habits of vegetarian and omnivorous female students in Germany: A retrospective cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Jo Goossens, Sian Astley, Glen Mathijssen, Hans Simillion, Paul Finglas, Daniela Segovia-Lizano. (2020) INTRODUCING PERSONALISED NUTRITION SERVICES IN A BEHAVIOURAL MOTIVATION CONCEPT FOR CONNECTED FOOD SERVICE ENVIRONMENTS. Agro Food Industry Hi Tech. Volume 31.
Daniela Segovia-Lizano, Jo Goossens, Sian Astley, Rachel Berry, Paul Finglas. (2020) QUISPER AND DEVELOPMENT OF A PERSONALISED NUTRITION COMMUNITY. Agro Food Industry Hi Tech. Volume 31.
Hooson J, Hutchinson J, Warthon-Medina M, Hancock N, Greathead K, Knowles B, Vargas-Garcia E, Gibson L E, Bush L A, Margetts B, Robinson S, Ness A, Alwan N A, Wark P A, Roe M, Finglas P, Cade J E et al. (2020) A systematic review of reviews identifiying UK validated dietary assessment tools for inclusion on an interactive guided website for researchers: www.nutritools.org. Critical reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Volume 60, Issue 8.
Traka M H, Plumb J, Berry R, Pinchen H, Finglas P. (2020) Maintaining and updating food composition datasets for multiple users and novel technologies: current challenges from a UK perspective. Nutrition Bulletin, Volume 45, Issue 2, Pages 230-240.
A scientific transition to support the 21st century dietary transition
Trends in Food Science & Technology, Volume 131
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Dietary Quality in Vegetarian and Omnivorous Female Students in Germany: A Retrospective Study
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
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