Professorship for IFR scientist

9th September 2011

Peter Wilde

Professor Peter Wilde

Peter Wilde’s 25 years at IFR have been rewarded with a Professorship from the University of East Anglia School of Pharmacy.

Peter joined the Process Physics Department at IFR in 1985, following a degree in Biophysics at UEA. His main research interests have focussed on the properties of the molecular interfaces in food components. The aim has been to work out how the interfacial behaviour between these molecules can explain large scale behaviours, such as emulsion stability and foams.

Peter is a renowned expert in how proteins adsorb at these interfaces, and how these proteins go on to affect the overall performance of foams and emulsions in foods. These factors have important effects on the way food is digested in the body. A new project Prof. Wilde is working on is looking to see whether it is possible to alter the interface properties of fat droplets to delay their digestion, which will increase the feeling of satiety.

To date, Prof. Wilde has authored over 100 papers in the area, some of which have been cited by fellow scientists over 100 times. He regularly gives invited lectures at international conferences and is one of the Editors-in-Chief of the journal Food Digestion.




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